Dance Retreat Intake & Payment Form Schakel JavaScript in je browser in om dit formulier in te vullen.Schakel JavaScript in je browser in om dit formulier in te vullen.Name *VoornaamAchternaamTelephone *(include country code)E-mail * Briefly this E-mail Date of Birth *DD/MM/YYYYAge *Workshop/Retreat you are registering for: *Dance Retreat in SpainEmbodied Anatomy CourseThe Body SeriesPlease choose the workshop/retreat for which you are registeringBriefly Describe Your Dance Background: *Primary Objective for Joining this Workshop/Retreat: *Is there anything about your physical health, past injuries, or accessibility needs that you'd like me to know to support your experience *Have You Attended a Workshops/Retreat Before? *YesNoHow Did You Hear About This Workshop/Retreat? *FriendFamilyWebsiteSocial MediaOtherConsent and Policies *I agree to the terms and conditions of the Dance Anatomy WorkshopElectronic Signature *By typing my name above, I confirm that the information provided is accurate and I agree to the terms of this intake form.Submit & On to Payment...